Selfpriming Regenerative Mini Monoblock Pump

Selfpriming Regenerative Mini Monoblock Pump

SharpPower Water Pumps stand for its top quality, robustness, reliability and cost effectiveness. The Pumps run with maximum efficiency that satisfy the need of every customer in various ranges of applications. SharpPower Water Pumps has recorded a remarkable growth with commitment towards value creation for its customers and stress on Research & Development.

ModelPowerPipe Size (mm)Discharge in LPMTotal heads in metres
KW / HPSuc x Del3612182430333638404548505565
Little flow0.37 / 0.525 x 253228221513          
Smart Flow0.37 / 0.525 x 2534292317148         
Thunder Flow CI0.37 / 0.525 x 2534292317148         
High Flow0.37 / 0.525 x 25454028242015         
Big Flow0.37 / 0.525 x 25484433282317138       
Big Flow Dlx0.75 / 1.025 x 25555135302419161210      
Mega Flow Dlx0.75 / 1.025 x 2561573732262018161412     
Mega Flow Dlx P0.75 / 1.025 x 2561573732262018161412     
Mega Flow CI0.75 / 1.025 x 2561573732262018161412     
Wonder Flow AL0.75 / 1.025 x 2544373122191512        
Wonder Flow CI0.75 / 1.025 x 2544373122191512        
Magic Flow0.75 / 1.025 x 25464033242117         
Hippo Flow0.82 / 1.125 x 25 656253413432282522181510  
Jumbo Flow1.1 / 1.525 x 25 6764555037353433323129241812

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